Saturday, August 6, 2011

A blog is born out of frustration.

Ah the frustration of adult acne! Oh the itching, the pain, the hideousness. Finally I am getting serious help for my skin and I hope this blog will help me deal with it, and help anyone who cares to read it too, especially if they too are suffering from this problem.

I am almost 37 years old and my skin is totally out of control. Since adolescence I have been managing my skin by picking and squeezing it, which is a totally self-destructive way to treat your skin. And a horrible habit to break. Since realizing I needed to break this habit, I have been largely successful at stopping the picking. But. Now I have awful cystic acne all over my face.

My GP gave me three options:
1. Long term antibiotics.
2. Birth control pills
3. Seeing a dermatologist about Roaccutane.

I chose a combination of the first two, believing that antibiotics would clear it up and the pill would keep it under control. Wrong.

This is day ten of full strength doxycyclene, and it has done nothing. At. All. Except make me nauseous. Bleh.

So far the pill is doing nothing. All I can say is thank the Lord for makeup.

I will post a pic of my skin today after I take off my mask of makeup.

Tomorrow I will call for an appointment with my GP.

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